
It's 5am here in Paraguay and we are just about ready to take off from the airport in Asuncion. The past few days have been filled with goodbyes to our host families, other SIM missionaries, and, of course, the McKissick family. It was very difficult to say goodbye to so many people that we have come to know and love over the past 6 weeks!  I know for me, and probably the whole group, it seems as if we just got here! There are lots of emotions, excited to see our families in the states, but also wishing we could stay with the McKissick's and our host families, to do more in Jataity!

Our time in clinical and visiting wrapped up on Friday! One of the days in clinical last week Grace, Ryan, and I had one patient that came in claiming she had taken a pregnancy test and it was positive however she had been bleeding a lot. We did an ultrasound and were able to make out an embryonic sac and possibly even a heart beat! We then did a pregnancy test and it was positive. The woman did not seem happy and we soon found out she had tried to abort the baby. It was shocking to see a little life and know that it may not have the chance or choice to live. However, after that experience I was reminded that Jesus loves and died for the woman and unborn child, wanting her to to draw to Him and cast her fears, anxieties, and/or whatever situation that led her to choose to abort her baby. 

Saturday night we got to enjoy a goodbye dinner at the McKissick's with all our host families. It was great to see everyone together and to express thanks to our host families (with Dr. Jeff translating). It was difficult to say goodbye to our friends that night and an even more tearful goodbye Sunday morning to our families. It has been such a blessing meeting all of these people!

Sunday we drove to Argentina and spent the day at the Iguazu falls on Monday! The McKissick kids were champs hiking around the falls with us, being that we walked over 7 miles! The falls were so beautiful and a representation of how awesome our God is!

We could all go on forever about different things we have seen and learned in clinic, visiting with Amy or Chris Baker, and with our host families. In the end we are so thankful for the  opportunity for to serve in Paraguay and for the McKissick family who have poured so much into our lives the past six weeks! Lastly, thanks to everyone who has supported our team financially or prayerfully. As we move forward, our team is excited to see how we can continue to be a part of missions, whether it is going on short term or long term missions or supporting others financially and prayerfully! 

Ciao y gracias!!!


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