
Showing posts from July, 2017


It's 5am here in Paraguay and we are just about ready to take off from the airport in Asuncion. The past few days have been filled with goodbyes to our host families, other SIM missionaries, and, of course, the McKissick family. It was very difficult to say goodbye to so many people that we have come to know and love over the past 6 weeks!  I know for me, and probably the whole group, it seems as if we just got here! There are lots of emotions, excited to see our families in the states, but also wishing we could stay with the McKissick's and our host families, to do more in Jataity! Our time in clinical and visiting wrapped up on Friday! One of the days in clinical last week Grace, Ryan, and I had one patient that came in claiming she had taken a pregnancy test and it was positive however she had been bleeding a lot. We did an ultrasound and were able to make out an embryonic sac and possibly even a heart beat! We then did a pregnancy test and it was positive. The woman d